Shipping, Returns, Exchanges


Taylor & Jessie offers worldwide shipping! 

Processing time varies based on the product ordered. Orders typically ship within 3-5 business days (not including Sat, Sun, and Holidays). 

Once shipped transit times are as follows:

Economy Shipping: Continental US, Hawaii and Alaska transit time is 7-21 business days. The typical transit time for international packages is 7-28 business days.

Standard Shipping: Continental US transit time is 1-5 business days. Hawaii and Alaska transit time is 3-5 business days. The typical transit time for international packages is 5-8 business days.

Orders can not be canceled or changed once placed. If you need to update shipping information, please email as soon as possible and we will do our best to accommodate this request.

You will receive a tracking number via email after your order is ready to ship. If you placed an order and have not received your tracking information by the end of our estimated processing time, please email us at


No returns. No cancellations. Exchanges only on damaged items. In the unlikely event of damage during shipment of your planner, please contact Vervante (our print and fulfillment partner) at For all other stationery contact us at